Boyfriend Told Me Not to Contact Him Again

I told my ex young man I never want to speak to him again and to never contact me once again (i said it crusade i was and so hurt) subsequently we bankrupt up.
Nosotros were long distance for 5months and got into many fights after 3months. He hadn't had a relationship in 6years and his heart was cleaved badly by his ex girlfriend. I went to visit him for a week and information technology was a bit awkward and we got into 2 more fights. It actually put a downer on everything.
He went out drinking all weekend before we bankrupt upward because he was having a tough time. When he bankrupt up he said he realised he tin't do the bf/gf thing, he idea he could only now he tin can't.
I asked him if that is not an excuse for not liking me enough to exist with me. He told me the long distance put a huge strain on things and of course he liked me and he thought for a long time I was the one and he would love me merely he doesn't think that anymore and that he got then used to being lonely. He thought his ex was the one and she left. I got really aroused and he was actually nice about information technology and answered all my questions.

He told me to move on because what if information technology was 3months down the line and he wanted to exit then. It was very difficult for me to believe all I was hearing considering nosotros had our problems only I did want to piece of work on it. Since I recall his change of feelings and conclusion came because we both just couldn't handle the long distance afterwards three months.
Now it has been 27Days and he has respected not contacting me, but now I experience like I handled it incorrect and immature and I regret saying I didn't ever want to talk to him over again. He has probably moved on already since we haven't been in contact at all and because of the reasons for the breakup. Now i don't know whether to contact him or not. Should i leave it at that or should I wish him a Happy Birthday in a couple of days to reopen communication. I am non over him yet and don't want to loose my ain respect taking back what I said just I really do miss him.
The worst function is I am moving to his Metropolis in about 2Months max. cause I got a job there. Just to clear upwardly my Family unit is from there and lives there, and so this wasn't a decision based on him. I told him when we broke up I had been looking for jobs back home but I didn't want to tell him yet cause I didn't want information technology to influence his decision when I noticed him pulling away from me. And I said I am not moving home for u.s.a. but for me. He said Give thanks God.. Ouch!
The problem is I feel like the long altitude made united states of america fight and he said he felt us drifting autonomously. He said subsequently a <e-mail> merely doesn't give you comfort and that he couldn't just come around to my place afterwards work every day etc. Nosotros were really close texted everyday all twenty-four hour period long every 2d.
Some other question is ..if I meet him in the Pub back home..How should i react? Past then(in 2months) I will hopefully/probably have moved on just for now I am still missing him a lot!
Sorry for the long mail. I'd really capeesh your aid



8 years ago

I think it would be absolutely fine to say "Happy Altogether" and keep it at just that. If u say annihilation more he will know yous desire to open advice and u may exist taking dorsum the respect you take for yourself by openin that communication. Saying happy altogether is non only respectful but mature as well, because it shows you lot still intendance and remember his birthday, only it doesn't expect like you need attention, to talk to him, etc. This will also clear thesilenece betwixt the two of you and will make him think about you even for but a second. Who knows he may miss you, h may just be respecting your wish to not talk and keeping quiet.



8 years ago

Thank yous JessLynn! 😊 That was what I was thinking because I do respect him and care nigh him! Fifty-fifty though information technology is over! I have edited my Post for more Background Info. Could y'all please read it and run into if you would still give me the same communication?



8 years ago

I but read it over again for ya! I really did long distance and I hate to say it merely we dated a few months and it got too difficult! He visits my hometown every summertime considering his cousin is my best friend then I understand how you feel nervous towards seeing him....I actually did no contact for a while with months...not by my choice rather his. Then on his birthday i actualy texted him saying "happy Birthday! and he responded well we defenseless upward via text and now nosotros are actually really skilful friends!!! It is nice and was a skilful healin process because I didn't desire him out of my life but I knew i had to go over him. That being said when he visits I am still somewhat upset when I see him simply you just have to exist calm and absurd and non act like his prescence affects you! It drives guys crazy. I would not talk to him if yous become to the pub and see him, but make sure he knows you are there! don't make it extremely obvious ...just walk by him in one case or twice or stand somewhere ...non as well shut...where y'all know he will see y'all! I tried that this weekend with the guy that broke up with me a month agone and he ended upward texting me....of course he was drunk so he was simply trying to hookup...disresectful....but it even so got his attention. I feel you on non being over guys though ☹️ my guy concluded things with me a month ago I am however upset and miss him everyday and I am going to try no contact because I desire him to miss me merely our situation is complicated ☹️



8 years ago

Thanks Jesslynn!

That is exactly the style I feel right now! I am not over him even so, just a calendar month here as well, and therefore a chip apprehensive of opening communication. I am trying to movement on and giving up hope of us reconnecting, when I run across him back home.
I don't desire to play all those games to bear witness him I have changed and what a great person I am etc. Since we didn't break upwardly on Long Distance Problems only, I don't think I should keep my hopes up! And he made it clear that he tin't practise a Relationship...
Your state of affairs sounds and then sad likewise! I feel for you! Your ex doesn't audio respectful at all texting you lot for a hookup. It shows in what kind of mindset he is already. I hope you didn't reply to him and definitely go NC. I cried today subsequently 27Days but I have been working out everyday since the break upwards and I feel great otherwise! As well got the Task I wanted and (this might sound featherbrained) only I am eating a Banana a day which helps boost your Serotonin Level and therefore makes u a happier person hehe 😉 Only concentrate on yourself and when you feel like crying : cry and deal with the hurt! Maybe we tin can help each other become through this! I already experience meliorate just writing information technology all downwardly hither 😊

Those may involvement yous:



8 years ago

Exactly, open communication almost makes it harder! We have been washed for a month merely over that month he has kept contact w me and I am embarassed considering I acted slightly similar a crazy ex and begged for some other chance, cried, made him know I miss him,etc. It ***** and I regret acting that way. We concluded things considering nosotros take trust issues. Subsequently the first 2 calendar month of u.s. talking he had sex with another girl and lied nigh it to me millions of crushed me but I love him so much that I took him back ☹️ I am trying to be friends with him because i know it makes him happy and I likewise don't want him out of my life later on getting then close to him...hes like my all-time friend! But at the aforementioned fourth dimension, every time we talk or hangout or fifty-fifty but see eachother it kils me a trivial inside. I am going to try no contact simply i don't know what to do if he contacts me....i don't know if i take the heart to ignore him. I know he sounds like a **** and a waste of fourth dimension but he honestly is amazing and is only human and then I am not gonna concord his mistakes against him forever. I am trying to motion on because I am starting to lose hopw he volition miss me, just in that location is always just a little hope inside of me wishing that someday he will desire me back ☹️

Only salubrious as far every bit showing him y'all take changed! I wish I had that kind of back bone! Life has a funny way of working. Sometimes it takes guys alot longer to realize what they had! I think that if you feel like y'all are ready to have open communication or be "friends" with him and so have infant steps starting with maxim happy birthday! Even tht might prove him you are mature enough and nice enough to remember his bday and wish him well. That might make him realize "wow she withal cares fifty-fifty if it is just as a friend" he may contact you lot again afterwards that or perhaps he might even approach you lot if you lot guys run into eachother when you motion! It is always good to be the bigger person and always be nice considering information technology will brand him exist the aforementioned way dorsum! Even though a friendship seems hard know, I am "friends" with two of my exs. Nosotros are squeamish to eachother we tin can go along when we hangout with a group of friends and we text eachother every few months to catch up or even only say hi and wish eachother well! It can be a good affair when yous are fix that is! but i experience better in one case I get advice on hither to trust me! It's a big aid! We should def help eachother through this 😊 better than feeling alone!



8 years ago

Haha I did that besides, the begging I mean. He broke it off and then 4 Days later nosotros chatted and it all went downhill from there. I retrieve we talked all twenty-four hours until 2am in the morning. He went asleep and I was still texting him my thoughts and issues, catastrophe with request him not to contact me once again. I had more and more to say. It must take been dreadful to wake up to v long Text Letters from me in the morning time! Some not very nice ones blaming him etc.

So i can definitely relate to you feeling ashamed and guilty for begging. But to exist honest after that I just deleted him out of my life. I cried, i felt similar **** and was angry but when all that happened i simply worked out and let my anger turn into calorie burn or told my sis I missed him 😄

I feel for y'all hun, I understand that you say he is astonishing! I am not hither to judge merely I would definitely advise you lot to go NC. But you will need to delete all of his contacts. Trust me concluding night only, I was excavation around to find his phone number or e-mail address again. I am glad I didn't find it. I volition transport him a Happy Birthday on Skype on the 4th (if I feel upwards to it)

What I tin tell from your state of affairs, is that when you said you are trying to be friends, yous said you are trying to be friends with him crusade it makes him happy! The problem hither is it'due south making you lot miserable. You need to recollect of yourself right now and effort and go him out of your system. If he cares almost y'all he will first to miss yous. If you are afraid of how he feels you could just tell him you need some infinite and message him when you are fix and then go NC.

I haven't showed my ex I accept changed or anything.. Don't think that would piece of work anyway. Crusade I would only exist pretending every bit of now. Since I am not over him a Happy Birthday will be all I volition be able to manage. Everything else would exist a lie to myself, like trying to be friends with him this soon.

We volition see if he contacts me after the Happy Birthday but unless he says 'I want to piece of work on things, have me dorsum, i miss u etc' I volition not answer just considering I am not ready still. I do wait forwards to running into him when I am back home .. two months is a long way away and I think I will be over information technology by then. As of now I am still dreaming of the : He sees me and wants me back cause he realises he'due south missed me then much, he tin't alive without me: scenario that could happen and that shows me I am not over him withal and that ***** ☹️



viii years ago

its and so embarassing haha i just feel stupid for missing him crazy when he is out living life drinking with his friends going out maybe fifty-fifty hooking upwards with other girls for all i know...most probable not since he calls me at 4 am haha only its simply difficult to see him and then happy...even tho i would never want him to injure like this cause this is hell! I wish I had fourth dimension to life is crazy hectic but hopefully once this semester ends I volition accept more time to conditioning over the summer! No contact will be so difficult only I am going to try to just not text him or call him. I havent been the showtime to contact him in about six days...haha real long not -_- but i guess its getting me somewhere because I am proud of myself! It ***** tho because he texted me at four am lord's day and called metwice...i was sleeping so i woke up and texted back proverb: i wasnt by my telephone when you called...everything ok?....and he never responded and so thats embarassing 😊 it even kinda made me upset :/ dont call back i could delete his number either lol i am such a baby simply i honestly would feel weird non having the ability to non text him! I know it would definitely aid tho haha I am worried to tell him i need space though because I think he will take it the wrong way or exist upset … :/

Happy birthday is a expert way to kickoff and a adept reason to have to text him. information technology is not like you are randomly texting him so its not similar he volition call back you were pitiful or thinking nearly him which is skilful. Simply prepare yourself for the possibilites that may happen if yous say happy birthday! it could go bad and he may not respond, if he does you may be upset, but it could also become well...he may respond in a proficient mode, you lot guys may grab upwardly, break the silence, reconnect,etc. you wont regret not taking the opportunity to talk to him or at least remind him you are alive. What practice you have to lose? If he doesnt respond it will stay NC like it has been, if he does and it is in a bad way then respond maturely or with a short response like ok or not even at all. If you get mad or upset with ur wil evidence him you yet care besides much. It is good to keep yourself aware of what kind of conversation yous are willing to have with him but make sure you keep an open up mind to talking about other things with him other than your relationship. that is a topic that he may be trying to avoid talking most right now considering it has been 27days but tha actually isnt that long. plus if you talkto him "as a friend" he may realize what a calm laid back and fun girl y'all are ans it may attract him to you lot once more. i know from the past month that talking about the relationship is something to avoid :/ and trust me i feel you on dreaming about the getting dorsum together scenario...i pray for it similar everyday....but i guess if it is ment to exist information technology will happen...not sure thats true but it itwhat i attempt to tell myself!



eight years ago

Your ex might exist a squeamish guy and all, but he is being incredibly selfish. And all those late night calls are kinda weird and not helping. Also if he calls you and and so doesn't reply when you text back it says to me he is looking for a quick Ego Boost! Don't requite him the satisfaction. You know what is best to practice. Delete the number or if yous tin't, write it down and give information technology to your best friend and don't let her give it back to yous until your centre has healed a bit or for 20 or 30 Days!
Trust me you can simply benefit from this. Looks like he will call and text you lot anyway just then make a habit at least for the first while of deleting those texts and calls correct abroad.. He thinks you lot are always available to him and that is why he doesn't need to put in the effort to become you back if he does have feelings.
I know this sounds harsh but you need to find your Pride and permit become and not permit him play you!
I did this with an ex years ago. He would text me and call and blow hot and cold. And what did it do for me? Nothing simply prolonged the heartache! Look i fabricated it 27 days then tin you. And if he respects you then he will give yous time like my ex does now. Y'all need to show him you are worth more how he is treating you lot and you lot need to show him how you deserve to be treated and with some people that is non through words but through taking action and just letting go!

Yeah i will permit you lot know on Saturday if I send the Skype message or not.. I am expecting a overnice bulletin dorsum or a cheers or how are y'all. He isn't the kind of person who wouldn't reply simply like I said I won't indulge further. The whole let him see that I am a cool chick tin look until I have moved on and and then we will see if information technology is meant to be or not. Cause trust me no matter how cool he thinks I am or not, it won't make him desire a relationship with me again for now. Especially not since it's all the same a while long altitude :/

Those may interest you:



8 years ago

Also and this is just hypothetically speaking and out of my dreamworld fantasy I have most him: If we did get back together.. I am not sure I could cope with the fact he told me he thought his ex was the one .. That judgement all the same hurts me and I think the natural trust we enjoyed in our relationship would be damaged, considering I feel similar I'd always be competing with this girl. He has placed her on a golden throne after she broke upwardly with him years ago. That 1 judgement makes me uncertainty if I would want to rekindle things fifty-fifty if we would have it slow.. Scared of getting hurt AGAIN ...



eight years ago

He is beingness selfish you're correct, unforutnately I put up with it becuase I honestly care way as well much about him.....I don't know if I am ready to delete his number....i don't know why but it terrifies me haha i won't text or call him, I have gotten better with it, bt I am scraed he will exit to go home for summer and we wont run across or talk to eachother before so...which would suck merely I judge I would have to accept information technology? Wouldn't ignoring his calls and texts all the time exist mean? I know i shoudn't e'er respond, simply I feel similar I wuold be upset if he always ignored me so I don't want to always ignore him ☹️

I know non talking for a while volition assistance me heal just I am worried that if I inquire for space that he volition go over this even more than he already is! I know he would give me the space if i asked, but I experience like it would either make him mad/upset or just help him feel fifty-fifty better.

Permit me know if you transport the message! I am certain he will respond in agood way. You should keep the convo somewhat short because if y'all guys talk for hours it will get y'all upset. Just y'all're right I would look till you get there to leap into anything more being just friends. Long distance is beyond hard and it rarely work out :/

If you did get back together I can completely see why you would exist scared and upset...thats how I feel most my state of affairs likewise....but I don't see united states of america ever getting back togehter and so i don't remember I have to worry nigh information technology ☹️ Most what he said about his ex...thats **** up. He should have never said that to you. It is just plain rude. I take dated iii guys who I seriuosly idea would be the one haha loooking dorsum the first two I just express joy because now I could NEVER see myself with them forever! This guy now I really could...just if thats meant to happen then information technology volition I approximate :/ idk it is hard for both of united states of america. You don't know how your ex feels. This space may have made him miss you or he might not be over information technology either! yous never know! Its difficult fr me because i asked my guy if he was completely over our state of affairs a few weeks ago and he said yea pretty much and that what nosotros had is gone now :/ I don't seem to have a chance, simply I gauge all nosotros tin can both do is try?



8 years ago

I know information technology is so hard but you lot gotta do it Hun. You can not proceeds anything from staying in contact with him at all. It is just pain you more! Trust me on this 1! And evidence yourself some respect then eventually he volition too. Correct now y'all are his security blanket and no one wants to be that.
Aye i thought this guy was the one too, he treated me well but I was still holding dorsum. Somehow i couldn't really open up up to him and created a lot of fights and tension. I didn't know where my frustration was coming from and he had to take a huge majority of it. No wonder he thought his ex was the 1 and wonderful cause I pushed him away and made myself look like this insecure, unhappy little daughter. So later the break up and a calendar month to reflect I have realised I really have some insecurity problems that I am working on 😊 Working out and studying hard and improving my life with a new job will all help accomplish this goal!
Only so volition I be ready to detect true honey and be able to reciprocate true honey, I don't retrieve it will be with him since it is very hard to regain trust and dearest in one case lost and I am scared to mess up again. Simply hey that is life we are all humans.. If information technology'due south with him or a new man it will all be good! Just needs fourth dimension Hun x



8 years agone

Sorry it took me and then long to respond...busy calendar week! Are you going to say happy birthday!? Update on my life ☹️ I stayed at his hous elast nighttime. It was just similar old times. We talked for hours and cuddled and smiled and laughed. he kissed me a million times and made me feel and so happy once again. he even asked me what I would do if he missed me a little because he does, he doesnt desire me to move on. He tried to ave sex but I kept saying I do not want to hookup with someone that does not want to be with me now or always and he said he never said he didnt want to always.... merely problem is we both drank before this conversation, but we both were pretty sober when we hungout. I don't know if he said al this to try to become me and hookup or because he was drunk or what, only I am so distraught about it now...currently crying because I miss him like crazy, and I feel like last night meant nothing to him 😭 We never had sex which I am relieved about, just he nigh seemed kinda frustrated that we could non be us and hookup like we normally would. this forenoon he woke me upwards when he had to leave for baseball practice. I asked if I could merely stay at his house and sleep until I had to leave for work. He inverse looked at me and said ok well ill see you later! So I said I don't fifty-fifty get a hug?! and he crawled into bed gave me a buss and said adieu. I eft before he came back from practice, and when I did I left a piffling notation on his bed saying: "Sorry I slept over, I hope you are non mad. Have a good day!" I idea possibly he would text me when he saw it and ven just say he wasnt mad or say hi or anything really simply he didn't I feel like its his way of saying hey I dont intendance and last night was cipher ☹️ I don't know what to do. I was on no contact and he called me last night we saw eachother at the bar then both concluded up at the aforementioned hiouse later for our friends birthday so he invited me over to hangout and I was the happiest girl in the world for a few hours. Exercise you remember he really misses me, or id this all only a show he is putting on to keep me every bit a dorsum up booty phone call?!



8 years agone

Hey thanks for replying. Your situation sounds like he was looking for a quick ready and like shooting fish in a barrel sex! I am and then proud of you that you lot didn't give in! Although y'all didn't need to say lamentable to him for letting you stay! With that note you but left the ball in his court! Yous demand to terminate contacting him or trying to fix it! If he wanted y'all dorsum he would be infront of your door or texting you every other twenty-four hours .. Instead he goes for you when he is drinking because you are e'er there for him! Terminate thinking nearly him and his feelings start thinking of your own! He is a douchebag and doesn't deserve your attention at all! Leave him be and don't text him back for at to the lowest degree a while because at the moment it seems he has no respect for you at all! Sorry to sound so harsh hun merely you demand to really run across that he is playing y'all! I am so proud y'all didn't sleep with him! Now exist proud of yourself too!

I haven't text him Happy Bday .. It is 6pm now and I don't remember I am ready to face more than rejection and pain! He told me to move on and said those things about his ex, I told him non to contact me again! Correct now I am sticking to no I won't text him after 32 Days NC! I made it then far i don't desire to go dorsum to the pain!
I might crack this night and text him but I am trying to stay stiff :/

Those may interest you lot:



8 years ago



eight years ago

Ugh I saw him today and he had texted me three seperate times... One thanking me for coming this baseball game some other asking for a ride and once just a one-half hour ago saying sorry that he didnt see my friend out that I was lookin for.... I don't get why he continues I text me the most random things at the most random times. Part of me thinks he misses me a niggling but I actually don't know :/ it'south so hard to understand him but I guess at least he's existence friendly and patently he'due south not w some other girl if he's texting me at four am about my friend lol

How do u experience about non texting him? Like practise you feel proud of yourself / improve ? Or exercise u wish u would've said something. I'k proud of you lot though! I attempt NC just he e'er seems to text me for some reason then NC is difficult. It almost definitely would be the easier way to get over him tho!



8 years agone

JessLynn he is texting y'all for a ride, about his friend and other random ****! He is texting you because y'all still text him dorsum and are nice to him! He thinks you lot are fine with it all and that y'all'll always exist there. Just tell him to stop texting you lot because you demand infinite afterwards what happened the other night! He has clearly moved on and you haven't! That doesn't audio like a man who misses you merely a friend..

I don't feel improve or worse for not texting him.. I know if he were thinking of me he has my number.. It is a scrap of a **** state of affairs crusade I told him never to call or text again simply to be honest! I'd rather have it this way than withal non being able to movement on whilst he is texting me. He would have all the benefits of having me in his life still! Now he has lost me and has no benefits! That does make me feel amend.. I kept my self respect..



viii years agone

JessLynn i sent him a bulletin only now : Happy Birthday! That'due south all! I feel bad at present kind of raw that I put myself out in that location once again!... Nosotros will run into what happens when he gets it Monday! Demand your support ..



8 years ago

I want to tell him non to talk to me simply I want him in my life. I spent style besides much fourth dimension with him to not accept him in it ☹️ Its rough :/ he told me I left my bracelets at his business firm when I stayed there on Thursday, and then I recall when I get them back I may talk to him about this. I want to tell him I am trying hard to being his friend just to brand him happy, just I need him to treat me like a friend and so. It's difficult considering I am scared to lose him from my life ☹️ He's leaving adjacent week so I am sure and then in one case he is four hours away it will be easier to get over him and focus on me because and so I won't have to see him, but I am worried I won't go over this and that he will come dorsum in August and I'll be a wreck all over again. There really is no "right" way to handle this because I cant live with him in my life but cannot alive without him in it. I know he should't become all the benfits of even so having me in his life, and I for in one case did not requite him and his friends a ride which I am certain fabricated him realize I'yard not just his chauffer. I am scared that this summertime he will merely forget about me which would suck. I merely want to make him miss me which I know I shouldn't be worried nearly and I should move on, but I seriously pray everyday that he will come around and miss me...though I am certain that will never happen at this bespeak ☹️ Any ideas how I can make him miss me at all?

Did yous send him the mesage on skype? Why won't he get it till Monday? I would not be difficult on yourself for putting yourself out there. It but shows you lot are mature enough to wish him well on his special day. It is scary because yous're opening upwardly a healing wound by allowing him to answer and by contacting him, but at least you texted him a short, happy message and he will realize that you were mature enough to say something and that you want him to be happy. I recollect putting yourself out there in whatever state of affairs is scary, but if you never put yourself out there, yous won't go anywhere in life! Don't be so hard on yourself! I am sure if he responds information technology will be cypher but nice, and if he doesnt then zip changes because you guys are on NC anyways! The worst that could happen is that he doesnt respond, and that isn't all that bad because you guys havent talked in a long amount of time anyways!



8 years ago

Hey JessLynn thank you for your kind words. He will merely get it when he signs in for piece of work on Monday. I do concur with you hun 😊 You lot have some wise words 😊 I feel improve already thank you for being in that location..

I recollect it is best for y'all to talk to him and see what he says! That is the best way to go almost information technology! Information technology could go either ways... You lot might observe closure because he tells you NO! Or he says he wants yous in his life as well every bit a friend or whatever.. The time until August will help you heal and you can motion on until then regardless of what happens.. You might even get on a few dates who knows.. In the long run merely positives can come from talking to him because you haven't got the closure you demand nevertheless! Proud of you hun! ten



8 years agone

Aw good 😊 I am glad I tin can assist. Trust me I take done the same thing where I havent talked to an ex in a while and then texted him on his birthday and I promise you nothing bad has ever come from it! You have to let me know what he says!!!

I recollect I volition talk to him. I thik he'll say he is fine with being friends.... I just don;t know if I volition ever be able to meet him as merely a friend...i saw myself existence with him for quite some time and nerve thought it would terminate when it did or how it did. I know wanting him to miss me is stupid, but sometimes you want or do stupid things when y'all love someone :/ I know the time till August will be good for me, and I actually am hoping i get over it before he gets back, I am just worried that I volition go better without him here, then we he comes back I will fall apart again. I don't fifty-fifty want any other guy which is also a problem because I don't know how I will always fifty-fifty desire to give someone else a risk...he's literally all I want :o Whatever advice on how to stop thinking near him? I go along decorated and hangout with friends, but no matter what I practise he is on my mind 24/vii. Its like he's all I retrieve nigh, which I know is pretty pathetic lol



8 years agone

Yeah i don't think anything bad will come up of it except for myself .. it's raw still i should have protected myself but i mean now at least he knows I don't detest him.. I'll definitely permit you know what he says !

You're non pathetic at all. Sadly I don't accept communication it is merely time that will heal your wounds.. Trust me we will sit down here in August and exist just fine! Really! If he says he is ok just being friends let him know that y'all tin't for now and you accept to get over him. Pitiful i'm non more assistance just that really is all. I've noticed that training more helps me feel more happy and content and doing well in Uni.. So do that and concentrate on that and yous will exist fine



8 years ago

Well it'southward good that y'all cypher bad will come of it! And y'all're right. Hel will no y'all don't detest him which is a skilful thing 😁

And I know fourth dimension heals wounds but I just don't see myself getting over this someday presently 😭 I notwithstanding cry everyday and its already been almost 2 months ☹️ I practice try and focus on me but it seems like the only time I don't hurt is when I'm sleeping which sounds crazy lol I'thou then mad bc he actually just invited me and my friend to come up hangout and tan outside and of class I'm at a family party ☹️ I tin can't win

Those may interest you:



eight years ago

Infant! Information technology doesn't sound crazy at all! I had that exact same feeling with the ex before this 1! But it was only fourth dimension that helped me get through information technology.. I still like him and would love it to have worked out but I wouldn't want him back! He didn't compliment me in any way! If your ex invited yous just don't text him dorsum for now .. please let him know you lot tin't be friends! Sorry to sound so harsh but you need to get a grip and think of yourself hun ☹️ xx



viii years ago

JessLynn feeling solitary and deplorable for myself now.. Going to get drunkard!



8 years agone

Hey! Deplorable I did non answer yesterday! I hope you are feeling improve today! Maybe so that nosotros tin talk whenever we need eachother nosotros could exchangephone numbers so we tin text?

Anyways I know I should give upwards on him only I cannot ☹️ I know you will exist dissapointed in me, but I went to his house concluding night because I asked to hangout and I needed to talk to him about everything....nosotros kinda got some things out in the open but we alo hooked up...I am upset near information technology merely at the same time I am not just because clearly we are both however attracted to eachother and like to hookup with eachother. I know information technology isnt fair for him to take me as more than than a friend but I am trying to be relaxed almost information technology. I asked him concluding dark what I had done to make him not desire me anymore, he said that I did aught wrong and that he sees me as more than than a friend becsause I mean more to him than any daughter he has been with and we were together a while so he feels like its impossible for the states to be merely friends... which is obvious. I also asked why we ended then if I did nothing, he said because he is scared for summer and what would happen over the two and a one-half / three months he wont be here...doesnt assistance that I used to freak out about it and worry virtually it too... he too said that we had trust issues and that he felt like I would get mad at him for silly things...which I would now that I look back, and I would practice annihilation to take it all back.

Overall, I am trying to remain calm and come across what happens before he leaves. I know I will encounter him at least once more, and when I do I am going to ask him if he would ever give us another chance or if we should endeavour to exist Only friends. I also want to inquire him if he actually has feelings for me still or if this is just a game and if he does have feelings I want to enquire if we should see eachother over the summer or just completely movement on from eachother. Either way I am going to effort and worry but about me, but I want to feel more settled for sure before he leaves. ☹️ What do you remember?

Besides did your ex say anything/see your message???

Need Back up ...DONT KNOW WHAT TO Practise 😭



8 years agone

Hey jesslynn,

Oh no that sounds messy really :/ I am going to read information technology again later for yous! Have to do Uni correct now :/ He hasn't got my bulletin withal because I forgot information technology was a Bank Holiday so he volition get it today .. I am feeling insecure about it and now that I have had time to reflect why did I send it! He told me his ex was the one why would I exist even crying over him1 There is another site I am on which is called * ! If you google it and sign up at that place we can privately bulletin which would be amazing! Only tell me your username on hither and I will find y'all! 😊



8 years ago

So he was online but I didn't go a reply.. He is offline again. I think on Skype you both demand to be online aka invisible to get the message.. He is at work so he's probably decorated.. As of now I am relieved I didn't get anything back yet!



8 years agone

It is adept you feel ok and are happy without a response. Don't regret sending it. It doesnt mean you miss him, want him, etc. Information technology is a sign of maturity. It shows yous care almost him equally a person and that y'all are moved past the drama from the breakup! But allow me know if y'all ever hither anything!

Also, did you lot get time to read my postal service however?! I stayed w him again lat dark he didnt fifty-fifty try to make a move he simply wanted me in that location next to him and so this morning time we did kindve hookup simply mostly on my part. I don't know what to do at this bespeak!



8 years ago

Hey Jesslynn, yeah I read it I still call up he is being selfish! Even if he doesn't make a motion he knows both of you will pause up for good when he is gone! And information technology will be easier for him. I never got a reply. I was devastated and aroused at myself just I am trying to move on. Have y'all seen *.com yet? Go there and sign up and we could bulletin it would be swell! 😊


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