Carrie Johnson, DO, Candy Stockton, MD, and Susan Johnson, RN in the NICU at St. Joseph Hospital in Eureka, California
Experts in Humboldt County changed the way they treat newborns dependent on opioids. The babies spend less time in the neonatal unit of measurement and receive less medication. The squad includes, left to right, Carrie Griffin, Practise, Processed Stockton, Doc, and Susan Johnson, RN. Photo: Shaun Walker

When babies are born dependent on opioids, typically they are whisked abroad from their mothers, put into the neonatal intensive care unit of measurement (NICU), dosed with morphine to get them through withdrawal, and gradually weaned off the drug—a process that can take weeks.

Research now suggests that this long-established standard of intendance may be the worst way to care for a newborn with opioid dependency, or neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). The NICU is busy, noisy, and bright, filled with beeping machines, other crying babies, and bustling nurses. Infants are fed not when they're hungry but every three hours on a schedule. When they cry, there may exist no one to hold them if the nurses are busy attention to other babies. And when they finally can sleep, they may be awakened to exist poked and prodded for medical tests and treatments.

A new initiative is turning NAS treatment on its head with a shockingly unproblematic concept: treat the babe like a baby and the mom similar a mom. Keep the babe and the female parent together. Go along the baby out of the NICU. And don't give the baby opioids unless admittedly necessary.

This approach is known as "Eat, Slumber, Console," meaning let the babies swallow and sleep when they desire and console them when they cry. With this protocol, hospitals treating members of Partnership HealthPlan of California — a Northern California Medi-Cal managed care organization — reduced the boilerplate hospitalization of babies with NAS from 18 days to xi days. Partnership said that in just the starting time three months of implementing the new approach, it saved $389,000. Studies at other institutions have shown newborns feel no adverse effects from this new protocol.

When the Standard of Care Is Wrong

Exterior of St. Joseph Hospital
St. Joseph Hospital in Eureka, California, has adopted new protocols for treating newborns with opioid dependency. Photo: Shaun Walker

To anyone who's taken care of an infant, Eat, Sleep, Console may sound obvious, simply to physicians and nurses who treat babies with NAS, it'due south a revolutionary departure from decades of practice recommended past experts.

"Taking these babies from their moms and putting them in a nursery where information technology's noisy and lights are on has e'er seemed a niggling counterintuitive to what's best for them," said Susan Johnson, RNC, the NICU clinical coordinator at St. Joseph Hospital in Eureka. "But it was what the standard was and what we were told to practice."

Since the 1970s, the standard of care for NAS has been pharmacologic therapy — typically methadone or morphine — guided past the Finnegan Neonatal Forbearance Scoring Organization. The Finnegan system tests for symptoms of opioid withdrawal, such equally shaking, fever, sweating, high-pitched crying, gastrointestinal problems, sneezing, and yawning. Babies are assessed every three hours, and if they score eight or more on the Finnegan three times in a row, they are given medication. Once they're on the drug, it takes three to 4 weeks to wean them off, during which time they must remain in the infirmary.

The problem is, many of the signs of opioid withdrawal look like typical newborn behaviors. "It really pathologizes a lot of the symptoms that are normal in whatsoever given newborn," said Carrie Griffin, DO, a family unit medicine medico in Humboldt Canton who specializes in perinatal substance utilize and treats moms and babies. "All babies yawn, all babies accept some corporeality of a tremble response. And what happens is, when we know that there'due south been opioid exposure in utero, it's a different lens through which nosotros're looking at these babies."

Learning That Mom Is Medicine

Eat, Sleep, Console gets rid of the subjective Finnegan scoring system and but gives weight to a newborn's essential functions. Can the baby drink an ounce of milk? Sleep for an hour undisturbed? Be consoled within 10 minutes? If the babe is performance unremarkably, then regardless of opioid exposure in the womb, the withdrawal isn't severe enough to warrant treatment with drugs.

The protocol was developed past Matthew Grossman, MD, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Yale School of Medicine. While caring for babies with NAS, he noticed that the infant's environment — and particularly whether the infant was kept with its mother — had more impact on how quickly the baby was released from the hospital than the pharmacologic treatment did. So instead of automatically turning to opioids, Grossman decided that the showtime-line treatment would exist the mom.

It turns out that when the babies are given mom instead of morphine, they exercise meliorate. With Swallow, Sleep, Console, the average length of stay for infants born with NAS at Yale New Oasis Children'due south Hospital dropped from 22 days to 4 days. What's more than, but 12% of newborns treated with Eat, Sleep, Console required opioids compared with 62% of babies scored using the Finnegan model. These changes cutting the price of care per babe by more 70%.

Watch this presentation about Eat, Slumber, Console by Yale pediatrician Matt Grossman, Doc.

A Mother's Affect

Nicole Merschdorf was one of the start women to get through the new protocol with her daughter Penny Lou at Mad River Community Hospital in Arcata, California. Merschdorf had been using intravenous drugs for five years, and she was on buprenorphine to treat her addiction when the infant was delivered. Buprenorphine is a first-line handling for opioid habit, and while information technology can lead to NAS in babies built-in to pregnant women taking the medication, the NAS is usually less severe. Buprenorphine helps the women maintain a more than stable life without experiencing withdrawal and cravings while in treatment.

When Penny Lou was born, she showed signs of NAS, similar restlessness, jerkiness, sneezing, and overactive sucking. But Merschdorf said that as soon as she did skin-to-skin contact with her babe, "Information technology was really all the divergence in the world," she said. "She'd be fussing in her bassinet, and equally shortly every bit you picked her up and she felt a trunk, she'd instantly exist soothed."

Merschdorf and her girl were able to stay in a individual room in the nursery for seven days before Penny Lou was deemed healthy enough to go home. The baby daughter required just a single dose of morphine on the second day. The one-off treatment — another departure from the Finnegan model — was enough to get her through the worst of her withdrawal without requiring a full course of the drug. Now Penny Lou is a happy, healthy six-month-old babe.

"When the baby is born, there's a massive amount of guilt and regret," Merschdorf said. "Merely the doctors and nurses are there to help you lot. And getting the best medical treatment for your child is what'due south going to exist all-time for them in the long run."

Changing Clinicians' Minds

In rural Humboldt Canton along California's northern coast, more than ten% of newborns are diagnosed with NAS, the second highest rate in the state. Griffin, the family medicine doc, has spearheaded the rollout of Eat, Sleep, Console in several Humboldt hospitals, including St. Joseph Hospital and Mad River Community Hospital. Since the program started, most of the babies have gone home later on four days, and Penny Lou was the merely one who required pharmacologic treatment.

Most babies and children would rather exist cuddled by their parents when they're feeling sick than have somebody sedate them and make them slumber through the symptoms.

Processed Stockton, MD

Griffin said that while she is excited by their initial success, she's however working to go purchase-in from all the care providers. "There's been a lot of resistance from pediatricians hither considering they feel similar the babies are suffering, and we're not doing anything to mitigate it," she said. "Information technology is difficult to unwind those years of training and assessing and clinical pattern evolution and reorient around the idea that this is a healthy baby. The baby is experiencing withdrawal from the substance, but if we support them as we would want to support any newborn, they practice really well."

To assist go more of the doctors and nurses on board, Griffin and Processed Stockton, MD, a family physician at the Humboldt Contained Practice Association and head of the county'southward perinatal substance employ task force, have been trying to reframe what the truthful source of suffering is for these children.

"Most babies and children would rather be cuddled past their parents when they're feeling sick than have somebody sedate them and make them slumber through the symptoms," Stockton said. "Putting the baby in a brightly lit, noisy, cluttered environment in the neonatal intensive intendance unit, separating them from their parents and caregivers to provide this care — all of those things are more traumatic to an infant who doesn't understand what's happening than it is for them to be a piffling shaky with a trivial fleck of nausea and some musculus aches."

Education Is Central

This type of clinician education is critical as Partnership HealthPlan of California works to get more hospitals to scroll out Eat, Sleep, Console. The initiative began with a one-solar day conference on maternal opioid utilize in October 2018, at which Grossman presented the protocol. His talk had a dramatic and firsthand effect on many of the care providers at the 22 hospitals in Partnership's network. While the boilerplate reduction in length of stay was from xviii to 11 days, the hospitals that were most committed to Swallow, Sleep, Panel got their average stay down to just 4 days. As more hospitals adopt the plan, the average length of stay is likely to continue dropping.

"Education is commonly not your strongest way of making change happen on a massive calibration," said Robert Moore, MD, Partnership's principal medical officeholder. "Simply the evidence is so overwhelming that when doctors heard a unmarried presentation [on Eat, Sleep, Console], nosotros saw this large change."

Partnership is collaborating with the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative to continue education around the new protocol, concentrating on four rural Northern California jurisdictions that take been peculiarly difficult-hit by the opioid crisis: Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, and Shasta Counties. Equally more providers learn near the treatment, Moore hopes hospitalization times and health intendance costs will continue to drop equally this improved arroyo to neonatal forbearance syndrome takes hold.

"Keeping the knowledge out there is going to be really of import," Moore said. "Ultimately, learning more on the ground — how are they thinking about these barriers, what are their plans to address the barriers — and keeping that dialog alive is going to be helpful."